Miley Cyrus as Hannah MontanaMiley Cyrus has confirmed that she will be turning her back on Hannah Montana when her contract for the fourth season of the popular teenage show ends. Hannah Montana is a show about a girl who is a rock star by night, and a regular teenage girl by day. Its a comedy series focused on the trouble the pop star gets into as a teenager whilst trying to keep her secret.
Fans are left wondering how Miley's career will fair when she parts with Disney, is this a complete split from Disney, or a split from Hannah Montana specifically? These questions are still unanswered. Either way, Miley Cyrus has a budding singing career, and is about to go on the Miley Cyrus 2009 Tour.
Another starlet who left Disney after the success of her first feature film is Hilary Duff, who starred in 'The Lizzie McGuire Movie'. However Hilary Duff's split from Disney had more to do with money, and 'creative differences'. Although she's not in need of money, with an estimated fortune of $100 million dollars, but since her split from Disney her career has plunged, and is now lacking work.
For fans left wondering what this split will mean for Miley's career, don't fret because Miley's order book is packed full until 2011. She is currently working on her new movie, The Last Song, and is currently in talks for a tween version of Whitney Houston's box office hit, 'The Bodyguard', which is being dubbed 'Personal Security.'
For those who are already dreading the final episode of Hannah Montana, there is a new series premiering next month o the ABC Family Network with a similar premise starring Alea Vega and David Cassidy which is called 'Ruby and the Rockits'.
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