Mitchel Musso will be back on Hannah Montana next season, but not as a set character on the show. Instead, Mitchel will be appearing in Hannah Montana Season 4 as a recurring character. Mitchel explains this change by saying, “In the last episode of Season 3, Oliver leaves on a six-month tour, so I might miss the first couple weeks of [Season 4]. But other than that, you’ll see me. And I’ll be back with a lot more music. So yes, I’m taking a little time off to work on my music, but I have a bunch of new acting gigs coming up, too. I can’t talk about them just yet, but keep your ears open.”
Mitchel also took some time during an interview to talk about his debut album which dropped today. Mitchel worked really hard on the CD and even made sure not to release it before he was 100% sure that it was done: “It was definitely worth the wait, because I feel much more prepped. I can go into a studio and I know ProTools, all the editing software. I know how to make a song by myself, and that’s where I wanted to be. I wanted to be an artist before I was an artist.”
In terms of which song on his album is his favorite we are SO excited because we love the song he chose! He said, “‘Us Against the World,’ which is a duet with me and Katelyn Tarver. It might be the edgiest song on the record, but that’s where my head is at in music. It’s a very MGMT sound, involving rock and dance and electro and hip-hop all in one. It’s a Romeo and Juliet story about nobody wanting you to be together, but it’s worth it to try. It’s a great message with a great sound. It’s my sound. My second album, that’s what it’s all going to be about.”
Mitchel wrote a lot of songs on his album about having a girlfriend and losing girlfriends, when asked if it was possible that he wrote these songs about his real life experiences Mitchel said, “Well, yeah. I think it’s cool to write about certain people in your life and what’s real and what’s going on. But in my main single, “Hey,” the chorus is, “Hey, I’m screaming at you/I don’t care enough to write you a letter/Now that I’m doing better alone” — basically, “I’m better off without you, no matter what,” and I would never say that to a girl. So that’s just a song. Sometimes I feel like I’m taking on a role when I’m writing a song, and it doesn’t always have to be true. I’m not sitting in my room crying with my guitar, writing a slow solo about a depressing breakup; that’s not me. My songs are about girls, partying and being yourself.” Hmm..sounds like Mitchel is no Taylor Swift!
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