It started out as an innocent stunt, mostly to reinforce fans with the youth and vigor of the latest inductee into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame, singer Miley Cyrus. But the eagerness to make a grand entrance onto the stage caused a terrible accident that required the Cleveland Fire Rescue and a harrowing trip to the hospital!
Warnings by her father against doing the stunt went unheeded as young Cyrus took to the stage hopping on a professional grade pogo stick. After her opening number, that was performed as she hopped, her pogo stick hit a wet spot on the stage floor causing her to lose her balance. The Momba One Professional Pogo Stick has a strong internal spring that caused the stick to exert forces upward and impaled the young singer in front of thousands of horrified fans!
As the injured but unfazed Miley curled up on the stage, she continued on with her next musical set, only to have it interrupted by emergency personnel who responded to frantic calls made by hundreds of fans over their cell phones.
Miley was transported by ambulance to the Cleveland Clinic where OB-GYN surgeons worked frantically to remove the five-foot pogo stick, only three feet of which was still visible!
She reportedly was resting comfortably and wanted ice cream and thanked fans for helping her.
Hoax. Spoof found here.
and it says - "The story above is a satire or parody. It is entirely fictitious." So, don't worry:-)
You do realize that this is a fake story rite? here's the links for the proof...if you scroll down it says that this story is entirely fictious http://www.thespoof.com/news/spoof.cfm?headline=s4i53182
ya.... i agree with u hsm2fangurl
this was entirely fictitious.
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