Emily Osment blog: For a minute there, I lost myself, I lost myself. Woke up
this morning and tried to guess what time it was without looking at the clock. I was off by four hours. I guess you could say I am tired and overwhelmed, but all for the perfect reason- THE HANNAH MONTANA MOVIE!
It has been very hectic recently. The show is on hiatus for two weeks and we have been doing press like crazy. I am so excited I get to promote this movie and talk about all the outlandish and hilariously fun times that we had. Right smack in the middle of all this press was the movie premiere!
We were very humbled by the turnout of the fans and if you were one of the
fans, screaming from Hollywood and Highland, thanks for the support. :) Make sure you go see the movie in theaters on the tenth! I can't complain about this crazy week at all, I have been spending time with the people I love..
..promoting a movie I love, and enjoying this wonderful California weather on
my two weeks away from a freezing sound stage. HURRAH! We (all the Disney shows) worked on a PSA today-Disney's Friends for Change: Project Green. It was so nice to see everyone again (Tiffany Thornton you rock!!!!)
..and it felt so nice to be involved in a program that gives kids the power to
join together and help protect our planet. I am a big supporter for clean air, clean oceans and the conservation of energy, so do your part and go turn off
all those lights you're not using right now!!
Got a call from my brother on my ride home today, and for the first few seconds I was completely dumbfounded by why there was so much noise and a voice that I knew so well that was NOT the voice of my brother. Well, that voice was Paul McCartney.
My brother and his friends managed to get tickets to his show at Radio City tonight and Haley called me during Blackbird, and it still sounds as beautiful
as ever. (If you saw me balling my eyes out on the 5 north today, you know why)
Everyone should look up the history of that song, Beatles fan or not, because
it does a wonderful job of shedding light on the civil rights movement during the late 50s ad 60s, and not many people know the secret meanings of those..
..acclaimed lyrics. Blackbird was the first song I ever learned to play when I
was eight. My Aunt was very patient with me, that unique plucking pattern :)
Sometimes one gets those epiphanies where you realize how important and amazing family is. Tonight was one of those times. Last year Haley called me from Radiohead's concert in Amsterdam during Karma Police. It's still saved on my voicemail and is often replayed in times of trouble and angst to bring small inklings of comfort.
I love that he knows all my favorite songs. I don't know about you, but everyday I learn more and more reasons why music is the great communicator, I feel so lucky I get the chance to create my own.
On THAT note.. yes still writing and still recording. So glad my 'brobro' Matt Bair was able to come in town for a few days to write FOUR amazing songs with me. Check him out, even at twenty-one he has more musical wisdom then I could ever hope to be exposed to.
He is Eve6's lead guitarist and is working on his own album, which I'm so privileged to say is spectacular. Most of our song writing sessions include five hours of hang, and ten minutes of writing, but this time we actually got work done, imagine that! Excited for all of you to hear some tunes soon.
Summer?? :) It's twelve o two. My head is pounding and I need to pack for
NYC for more press. Are you seeing now why I don't have a Twitter yet? I have so much to say and I would hate to restrain all the ramblings. 'Into the light of the dark black night.' -e
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